Frequently asked questions
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From a business point of view the main difference is how data evaluation is done. Technically, EVA+ has a different software architecture as earlier versions of HaslerRail software tools.
The predictive character when monitoring operations with EVA+ live, is probably the best return of investment example. Increasing availability and reliability of railway services is a major objective when using EVA+.
The most effective benefit is resulting when already HaslerRail hardware is in use. Nevertheless, evaluation of data coming from third party equipment is possible as well.
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Depending on the amount of data up to minutes. Therefore EVA+ is capable to provide information on a live basis.
Absolutely, EVA+ can interpret the ERTMS SubSet-027 according to ERA/UNISIG specifications.
A push notification is under development. It will be available for different channels.
Data transmission can be done automatically via a mobile network or WiFi. Manual data transmission is done via USB stick or mobile computer.
Yes this is a major feature of EVA+ to support the user with statistics and evaluation on specified dimensions.
No it's not, as long as the recorded data format will be available, EVA+ can perform any known analysis of a third party data set as well.